
Whisper of the Heart

I'm a huge fan of Miyazaki's movies so I was very excited when we got to watch one of his films in my Japanese class. We watched the movie in Japanese with English subtitles, which was actually really interesting. The movie was really cute and had that certain charm that all of Miyazaki's movies have. The characters are easy to relate to and the story is very sweet. It felt a bit different from the other Miyazaki films I've seen because it doesn't really fit into the fantasy genre. But it was still a great movie. I'd recommend it to anyone, especially fans of Miyazaki.

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I read the book, Carrie, by Stephen King a while ago, and I'd never really had any interest in seeing the movie. But I just decided to see it yesterday. As a movie on it's own, Carrie was pretty good and creepy. Though, I would have to say that the book was better, but that's usually the case for Stephen King's novels since his stories have a certain something you can't quite capture on film. The movie wasn't too radically different from the book as far as I could tell. My only problem was that in the book, Carrie is supposed to be kind of chubby and much less likeable than Sissy Spacek portrayed her to be in the film. But I still thought that Sissy Spacek had a terrific performance as Carrie White. Overall, the movie was an enjoyable horror flick and I'd recommend it to most people who'd like to see something creepy, but not action-packed.

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Donnie Darko

I've been really wanting to see this movie for a few months after someone told me it was very good. I thought it looked kind of interesting and like an evil version of Harvey. I was expecting something pretty good, but after watching it, I thought it was amazing. The actors were great, the characters were compelling, and the plot was gripping. I also thought the ending was perfect. Overall, the movie was really thought provoking and unique. Some might say it's just an overrated cult film, but I really believe it needs a lot more praise than that. It made me laugh, it made me cry. I would definitely recommend this movie to almost anyone, especially if you love films about the supernatural.

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show

No, I did not go out and see this movie at midnight with a bunch of die hard fans. But I still thought it was a really fun movie. There were a lot of really great musical numbers and the whole thing was pretty entertaining. I'm always thought Tim Curry was a great actor and could play any character, and this movie is no exception. I doubt there's any actor out there that could play a better Dr. Frank-N-Furter. This is probably the most well known cult film out there, but that's definitely does not mean that this movie is for everyone. If you're the serious type and/or you don't like movie musicals I'd highly suggest you stay away.

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We finished watching this movie today in one of my classes. We've just been learning about the L.A. riots, so our teacher decided to show us this movie that focuses on racial tension in L.A. But this film isn't only about racism, it's also about how we affect strangers and how small interactions with other people can leave a greater impression than we expect. Overall, I thought this was a very good film, though it was a bit overrated. It portrays some strong emotions and themes about modern society that are really important to know about. Usually, I'm not a big fan of movies with a bunch of little interwoven storylines because it can get confusing sometimes. And there were some scenes in this film that weren't very clear to me. But it was still very entertaining and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys these type of modern intense dramas.

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North by Northwest

I've been planning on re-watching this movie for quite a while since I saw it a few years ago and I had forgotten what happened. I definitely enjoyed it much more watching it a second time. This is certainly a much more exciting and adventurous Hitchcock movie compared to most of his other films. Most of Hitchcock's movies (like Psycho and Rear Window) deal with suspense. This movie is more focused on action (and, of course, some mystery). It's probably considered one of Hitchcock's greatest and most famous films, though I wouldn't say that it's my favorite out of all his work. But I do feel very strongly connected to this movie since I share a first and last name with one of the main characters. Anyway, I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys Hitchcock or mystery/adventure type movies.

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The Breakfast Club

I've kind of been wanting to see this movie for a while since I'd heard it was really good. I ended up really enjoying it. It was a bit different from most teen movies I've seen and I think that's because it feels realistic even though it would probably never happen. The characters are really easy to relate to and most of the actors have great performances. Anthony Michael Hall is always really funny. I definitely think this is one of the best teen movies I've seen, and I would recommend it almost anyone. It's entertaining, hilarious, touching, and it actually has a good message.

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Liar Liar

Today I was on the IMDb homepage and I noticed that they had a small banner that said "Watch free movies and TV shows!" So I decided to check it out. They had almost 40 movies you could watch for free online. I had some free time, so I chose to watch Liar Liar, a movie I've seen once before. This is a really funny and entertaining comedy. I'm not a huge fan of Jim Carrey's stuff, but this is a really fun movie. The plotline is, of course, a little silly, but I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good, goofy comedy. And now, you can even watch it for free on IMDb (with advertisements every 10 minutes or so. Sorry).

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Dial M for Murder

This has been on my list of films to see for a while because I've been waiting for some sort of oppurtunity to see it in 3D. But sadly, I didn't think that would happen any time soon so I decided to see it last night. Although I only watched this movie in two dimensions, it still was an amazingly great Hitchcock film. It definitely feels very similar to most of his other movies. Like Rope, it seems quite a bit like a stage play (since both films were actually adapted from plays) and it has all the suspense and twists you'd expect a Hitchcock film to have. I would definitely recommend this movie to any fan of Hitchcock or any fan of the mystery/thriller genre.

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Bride of Frankenstein

I've been planning on seeing this for a little while after I first saw Frankenstein. It was a very good sequel, and I quite enjoyed it. This is definitely a classic horror film that has influenced many more modern films and T.V. shows. And although, of course, this movie is extremely unrealistic (Dr. Frankenstein recovers from his accident without a limp or a scar) and cheesey (as most films this old are), it was still very fun and entertaining to watch. I would recommend it to any fan of this sort of genre.

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