
Iron Man

I just got back from seeing the movie, Iron Man, in theaters. It was a really fun movie! It was definitely not similar to any superhero movie I've seen.  The special effects were fantastic and there were even some funny parts. The only thing that bothered me a little bit (I'm pretty picky sometimes) was that there were some things in the movie that would be pretty much impossible in real life. I guess that's true about all Sci-Fi movies, but I don't think it makes sense to stand in the middle of multiple bomb explosions and survive with barely a scratch. So I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys an exciting action film and isn't looking for anything logical.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy movies with lots of explosions, and you don't mind movies that sometimes make no sense

To learn more about Iron Man click here
To buy tickets for this movie click here

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