

When I first heard about this movie, I didn't think it looked that great and the plot didn't seem very interesting. The film was definitely much better than I expected. I've never been a big fan of Angelina Jolie, but she had a fantastic performance in this movie. I also really liked the costumes and the way the film accurately portrayed the 1920s. Another thing I was really happy about was that the trailer doesn't give away any important parts of the story. Unlike most movies that have been opening recently (like Vantage Point), the trailer gives you just the right of information to make the movie seem interesting enough to watch. Although I thought the film was great, I wouldn't recommend it to everyone since many scenes are very sad and disturbing. The movie is also a bit long and I think it could have been a little better if it was shorter. But overall, I enjoyed the movie very much.

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The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

I did not see this movie just because the remake recently came out. I saw it because it's a classic sci-fi film that has been copied by many movies after it. Overall, I enjoyed it very much. Although some parts were a little cheesey, I was still very impressed by the special effects considering what year it was made. And you can definitely see how this movie has influenced so many other science fiction movies. Thought I thought it was great, I wouldn't recommend this film to everyone. It's more of a classic that might only be enjoyable for fans of the sci-fi genre. Also, I'd like to add that I do not plan on seeing the remake because it looks pretty bad.

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Sunset Blvd.

I hadn't heard much about this movie other than that it was good. And it definitely was very good. I'm a big fan of these types of dramas that are a little dark but also a bit offbeat. Gloria Swanson was amazing as Norma Desmond. All the actors gave a great performance. The characters were also very engaging and interesting. Though some were a bit predictable, there were many twists in the plot that made the story entertaining to watch. This movie was made 58 years ago, and it still deserves praise for its excellence. I'd highly recommend this movie to anyone enjoys a good classic or films about the dark side of Hollywood.

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I hadn't heard much about this movie before I watched it, and I enjoyed it very much. I usually really like black comedies, and this was no exception. The acting was also really great. I really liked William H. Macy in Air Force One, and I thought he had a really good performance in Fargo too. My only small complaint about this movie is that some parts were just a bit confusing. But overall, it was an excellent movie. I've never really seen any of the Coen brothers' films before. I think I'll definitely plan on seeing some more of their work. I'd recommend this movie to anyone who'd like to see a far from average black comedy

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Slumdog Millionaire

I'd heard some good things about this movie, but I wasn't really expecting anything amazing. I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. The story was good, there was some good acting, and it had some interesting scenes and camera angles. Though, after watching the movie, I felt that there was something about it that bothered me and made me not like it. Later, I understood that the reason why I didn't like it is because the movie seems completely fake and unrealistic. Yes, I realize that it's about a very improbable situation, but that doesn't mean the movie has to seem totally phony. I've seen many movies with strange, outragous (in a good way) plots that really make me believe that those situations are possible. Movies like Slumdog Millionaire should make people believe that these uncommon oppurtunities can happen to anyone. So overall, the movie was pretty good, but it was just a bit to phony for me. I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind movies with many unbelievably dramatic scenes.

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