

Last night I watched the movie Misery after finishing the book only three days ago. The movie was really good, but the book was much better. Although the movie did do the book justice, there were some minor changes that I feel made the movie a little less intense and unforgettable. Kathy Bates was a fantastic Annie Wilkes, her performance is frighteningly believable. So I would definitely recommend this movie, but if you have enough time on your hands, read the book. It's much better.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you don't mind movies with mild torture scenes, and you don't mind it when movies that are based on books change the story of the book a little bit

To learn more about Misery click here
To rent this movie click here or here


The Shining

I just finished rewatching this movie for the third time. This is definitely one of my favorite horror movies. It's a pretty scary movie. The one annoying thing I found about this movie after watching it for the first time was that there were some parts that were unexplained. After reading the book and watching the mini-series, I think I can say that I know most everything there is to know about the story of The Shining. As far as which one is better, I would have to say that this movie and the book tie for first. Anyway, I would recommend this movie to any horror movie fan.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy horror movies, you don't mind movies that have some confusing/unexplained parts, and you don't mind movies that are a little strange

To learn more about The Shining click here
To rent this movie click here or here

The Tin Star

Last night I saw the old western, The Tin Star. Now, I'm not that big of a western fan. For some reason I'll watch any type of movie except a western. Something about them bothers me. But anyway, I thought that this movie was pretty good (for a western). I really like both Anthony Perkins and Henry Fonda. They were both really good in this movie. So, if you like westerns, you'll probably really enjoy this. 

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy westerns, and you don't mind movies that are a little slow

To learn more about The Tin Star click here
To rent this movie click here or here



Last night I saw the movie Cloverfield. I actually thought it was pretty good. I jumped a few times, although it wasn't too scary. The movie was very entertaining but my only problem with it was the hand-held camera. By the end of the film I had a little headache and I felt just a tiny bit nauseous. This movie is also a lot like The Blair Witch Project, so if you liked TBWP you would probably enjoy Cloverfield.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you don't get nauseous easily, and you enjoy monster movies

To learn more about Cloverfield click here 
To rent this movie click here or here

Also, this is the 50th movie I have reviewed on Movie-nalysis! =D


The Invisible Man

Last night I watched the old movie, The Invisible Man. I thought that this movie was really fun and funny. I laughed out loud more than once while watching it. Also, the special effects were really awesome considering when this movie was made. Although this is supposed to be a horror classic, I wouldn't say that it was at all scary. But it was still a very entertaining movie. I would definitely recommend this movie to almost anyone.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you don't mind movies that are a little silly, and you're not disappointed by horror movies that are not very scary

To learn more about The Invisible Man click here
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The Chronicles of Riddick

Last night I watched The Chronicles of Riddick. This movie is the sequel to Pitch Black, which I reviewed last month. I thought that this movie was pretty good. It was very entertaining and I think that anyone who is a fan of action/Sci-Fi movies would really enjoy it. In my opinion I thought that this movie was better than Pitch Black. The story needed less explanation than it's prequel did. And I don't think you need to see the two movies in order, but it certainly would clarify some things.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy action/Sci-Fi movies, and you don't mind movies that can sometimes be confusing

To learn more about The Chronicles of Riddick click here
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To Kill a Mockingbird

Last night I finished watching the rest of To Kill a Mockingbird. We had started watching it in our English class but never ended up finishing it so I watched the rest at home. I thought that the movie was really good. All of the actors were very good. The movie also taught a very important lesson. But even though the film was really great, I still thought that the book was much better. The film left out many important parts and seemed to go a little too fast sometimes.

You will (probably) only enjoy this movie if:
you don't mind movies about racism, you don't mind movies that are sad, and you don't mind it when movies that are based off of books change some parts of the story

To learn more about To Kill a Mockingbird click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Across the Universe

Last night we rented and watched Across the Universe. I thought the movie was pretty good. There were some very cool and interesting special effects. I also really liked how they used the Beatles' music. Every song went along with the story quite well. There were only two things that bothered me about this movie. One was that it seemed like the people who made this movie were so focused on adding songs into the film that the plot wasn't as good as it could have been. Another thing that bothered me was that there were some very strange parts and other parts that didn't make much sense. But overall, I thought the the movie was pretty enjoyable.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy musicals, you don't mind movies with slow stories/plots, and you don't mind movies that are a bit strange

To learn more about Across the Universe click here
To rent this movie click here or here 


Get Smart

Last night I went to the movie theater to see Get Smart. I was really looking forward to seeing this movie because I am a big fan of Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, and Alan Arkin. The movie definitely met my expectations. It was really entertaining and funny. I have not seen the old T.V. series though, so I cannot compare it to this new movie. The only thing that bothered me about the movie was that they showed a lot (but not all) of the funny stuff in the trailers. But I would still recommend this movie to most people who enjoy silly action comedies.

You will (probably) only enjoy this movie if:
you enjoy comedies, and you don't mind movies that are a little silly 

To learn more about Get Smart click here
To buy tickets for this movie click here


The War of the Worlds (1953)

Last night I watched the original War of the Worlds from 1953. First of all, I'd like to say that the special effects in this movie were really great considering when this movie was made. Overall I thought that the movie was interesting, but not great. The major problem with this movie was the way that we are never really introduced to the characters. Throughout the whole movie, we know nothing about the main characters. So I would recommend this movie to anyone who is a big fan of Sci-Fi movies where aliens invade modern times.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you don't mind movies where you never really meet the characters, and you enjoy Sci-Fi movies that don't take place in the future

To learn more about The War of the Worlds click here
To rent this movie click here or here



Today, in class, we finished watching the movie, Hoosiers. I thought that this movie was okay. I'm not a big fan of sports movies so I didn't find this movie very interesting. Also, I think that movies are always worse when you watch them in a classroom. I can see how many people would like this movie, but I guess it's just not my type of movie. 

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy sports movies, and you don't mind movies that start out slow

To learn more about Hoosiers click here
To rent this movie click here or here

Christmas in July

Last night I watched the movie Christmas in July. I thought this movie was really funny and entertaining. It was silly, but I have definitely seen sillier. Some people might not find this movie that funny, since old comedies like this are much different from today's comedies. But I'd recommend it to most people who are fans of comedies from around the 40's.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy slow comedies, and you don't mind movies that are a little silly

To learn more about Christmas in July click here
To rent this movie click here


Gone with the Wind

Last night I finished watching Gone with the Wind. I thought that the movie was really good. I especially liked it because it was about the civil war, a time period I've recently been learning about. Also, for a movie that's almost four hours long, the plot didn't seem slow to me at all. It was interesting the whole way through. I'd definitely recommend this movie to anyone who has four hours of free time.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy historical movies, and you don't mind movies that are very long

To learn more about Gone with the Wind click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Finding Neverland

Last night I finished watching the movie, Finding Neverland. I thought this movie was really sweet and enjoyable. Johnny Depp was really good (as always). This movie was kind of a quiet slow film, so if you are more of an action movie fan you probably wouldn't enjoy this. This movie was also very sad at some parts. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys heart-warming, slow, quiet films.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy movies that are sad, you don't mind movies that are a little slow and quiet, and you don't mind movies that are a little silly

To learn more about Finding Neverland click here
To rent this movie click here or here


The Thing

Last night I saw The Thing (1982). This movie is sort of a remake of The Thing from Another World because the two movies are based off of the same story. Anyway, the movie was pretty entertaining at first. Near the end it became a little confusing. And then when it ended, I was very unsatisfied. This is a pretty good movie, but I really did not like the ending. For a horror movie, I thought the movie wasn't that scary. But the special effects were really great considering when this movie was made. Overall, I really enjoyed this film.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you don't mind movies with some gore, you don't mind movies that seem to end abruptly, and you don't mind movies that are a little confusing

To learn more about The Thing click here
To rent this movie click here or here