
Minority Report

Last night I saw Minority Report. It was a pretty good movie. It was confusing, but of course, most movies about the future are hard to follow. It's one of those movies that makes you think you know where the plot is going, and then it completely changes...sort of. (I hope I'm not giving too much away). And the ending is very....action packed. You think it's over...then something happens. Then you think it's over...but then something happens. But, it is very exciting. I jumped a very times. Overall, it was a fun movie. Also, if you haven't seen the trailer yet, I'd reccomend not seeing it. I think the less you know about this movie, the more exciting it will be.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy action movies, you enjoy science-fiction movies, and you don't mind watching movies about the future

To learn more about Minority Report click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Spacebar said...

I actually saw this one!
It was pretty good and Tom Cruise didn't act like the weirdo he is in real life.

Eve said...

xD Yeah, I thought it was really exciting!