
Midnight Run

Last night I saw Midnight Run. I thought it was really good. It's a good mix of action and comedy, so if you like either of those, you'd probably enjoy this movie. There wasn't really anything that bothered me about this movie. It was very entertaining and it wasn't hard to follow.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy action movies, and you enjoy comedies

To learn more about Midnight Run click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Minority Report

Last night I saw Minority Report. It was a pretty good movie. It was confusing, but of course, most movies about the future are hard to follow. It's one of those movies that makes you think you know where the plot is going, and then it completely changes...sort of. (I hope I'm not giving too much away). And the ending is very....action packed. You think it's over...then something happens. Then you think it's over...but then something happens. But, it is very exciting. I jumped a very times. Overall, it was a fun movie. Also, if you haven't seen the trailer yet, I'd reccomend not seeing it. I think the less you know about this movie, the more exciting it will be.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy action movies, you enjoy science-fiction movies, and you don't mind watching movies about the future

To learn more about Minority Report click here
To rent this movie click here or here


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

I just finished watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I liked it, but I didn't think it was really great. It kind of felt like it didn't have a plot, like it was just a chain of events. I didn't sense a growing conflict during the movie, but I can see how a lot of people might really like it. It's kind of a sad movie, and I was a little confused, but it was still entertaining. If you're interested, check it out.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you aren't bothered by movies about mentally ill people, and you don't mind sad movies

To learn more about One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest click here
To rent this movie click here or here

Back to the Future: Part II

Yesterday I watched the second Back to the Future movie. I've already seen all three movies before, but they're still really fun to watch. A lot of people were dissapointed by the sequel to the first Back to the Future, but I really like the second movie. If you haven't seen any of the three BTTF movies, you should go see the first one right now.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoyed Back to the Future Part I, and you do not mind thinking "fourth dimentionally"

To learn more about Back to the Future Part I click here
To learn more about Back to the Future Part II click here
To learn more about Back to the Future Part III click here

To rent this movie click here or here


The Silence of the Lambs

Last night I watched The Silence of the Lambs. I really liked it. It was a litte creepy and disturbing, so if you are not into stuff like that, don't see this movie. The movie was very well made too. If you like scary, creepy movies I'd definitely reccomend The Silence of the Lambs.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you don't have problems with creppy, disturbing movies

To learn more about The Silence of the Lambs click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Bee Movie

Today, I saw Bee Movie. For an animated movie, it was pretty good. If you enjoy animated movies with lots of puns then you should definitely see this. It's obviously not very logical/possible, but I thought the movie was pretty fun.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you enjoy animated movies, you don't need movies to be "logical", and you aren't bothered by puns/jokes that are often in animated movies.

To learn more about Bee Movie click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Donnie Brasco

Last night I saw Donnie Brasco. I thought it was really good. It was a little hard  to follow though, and I wouldn't reccomend it if you're used to watching "simple" movies. =] But otherwise, I enjoyed it. The actors were great (obviously). So if you're interested, check it out!

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you are not disturbed by violence, you are not offended by obscenities, and you aren't annoyed by movies that are a little hard to follow.

To learn more about Donnie Brasco click here
To rent this movie click here or here


Edward Scissorhands

Last night I watched Edward Scissorhands for my fourth time. Since it's one of my favorite movies, I will obviously give it a good review. Edward Scissorhands is such a sweet movie. The character, Edward Scissorhands, is probably my favorite movie character...ever. He's so innocent and affectionate. If you haven't seen this movie, you should go rent it NOW.

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you can watch movies that don't exactly end with "happily ever after"

To learn more about Edward Scissorhands, go here
To rent this movie go here or here


Peeping Tom

Okay so, last night I saw Peeping Tom (1960). This was a very interesting Horror/Thriller. It was very Hitchcock-y and I really enjoyed it. =] Although it was creepy, it was not terribly scary. 

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you can watch creepy movies and still go to sleep at night, you like Hitchcock films, and you are not one of those horror-film-lovers who needs gore. There isn't any gore--just saying.

If you've never heard of Alfred Hitchcock, go here

To learn more about Peeping Tom go here
To rent this movie go here or here


The Blair Witch Project

As a horror movie fan, I thought this movie was awesome. But it's not just awesome cause it's scary, it's awesome because it's different. I've never seen another movie like it. Very, realistic, very interesting, very creepy!

You will (probably) only like this movie if:
you can watch scary movies without FREAKING out, you don't get nauseous easily (hand held camera), and  you are not offended by obscenities. Obviously there are exeptions. But anyways, I definitely recommend this movie.
Keep checking back, I watch a lot of new movies!

To learn more about The Blair Witch Project go here
To rent this movie, go here or here